Bureau Wolewinski is an independent Graphic Design and Art Direction studio founded by Julia Caroline Wolewinski. She received her master’s degree from Erg (BE) in 2014 and graduated from the Werkplaats Typografie (NL) in 2016. With a strong focus on the production of visual identities, Wolewinski works on cultural projects combining editorial design and multidisciplinary projects. In 2019, she co-founded the WDN Studio, a scenography and design studio. Alongside her practice, Wolewinski teaches graphic design at Erg, Brussels and at Arts2, Mons (BE).
A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF CLARITY, Emmanuel Van Der Auwera — Mercatorfonds & Yale University Press, 228 pages, 20 x 30 cm — Editorial Design (BE / US)
VILLA ARSON NICE (Finalist project not realised) — Complete Graphic Identity (FR)
GIJS VAN VAERENBERGH Architecture Studio — Website: www.gijsvanvaerenbergh.com / Development: Variable (BE)
EXCESS SUPPORT, Sean Crossley — MER Books, 176 pages, 21 x 27 cm — Editorial design (BE)
ATLAS OF PROPOSALS III, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, LEUVEN — Exhibition & editorial design (BE)
AS FOUND, Experiments in Preservation — Flanders Architecture Institute, 174 pages, 21 x 28 cm — Editorial Design (BE)
HORACE, French cosmetics brand — Graphic Identity (FR)
LE BOTANIQUE MUSEUM, "Every Minute Is Lettered", Boris Thiébaut, Exhibition 02.09—29.10.2023 — Graphic Identity & Editorial Design (BE)
EVERYTHING PASSES EXCEPT THE PAST, Decolonising Ethnographic Museums, Film Archives, and Public Space, Goethe-Institute — Sternberg Press, 308 pages, 14 x 21 cm — Editorial Design (DE / US)
WATCHING, Julien Saudubray — Snoeck Publishers, 128 pages, 21 x 27 cm — Editorial Design (BE / FR)
TOOLS FOR THE BETTER, Arp — Complete Graphic Identity (BE)
GIJS VAN VAERENBERGH, Wandering — Valerie Traan Gallery, Antwerp — 64 pages, 29,7 x 10,2 cm — Editorial Design (BE)
ENSAV, École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels de La Cambre 2018—2022 — www.lacambre.be — Complete Graphic Identity (BE)
ENSAV, École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels de La Cambre, open doors 2018—2024 — www.lacambre.be — Complete Graphic Identity / Editorial Design (BE)
BRUSSELS TOUCH, Fashion and Lace Museum of Brussels — Lannoo, 224 pages, 22,5 x 29 cm — Editorial Design (BE)
CONCEPTUAL FINE ARTS, an online publishing platform (CFArts), a gallery visiting program in Milan (CFAlive), and a communication agency (CFAgency), Milan — www.conceptualfinearts.com — Graphic Identity (IT)
BE GOOD, IF YOU CAN'T BE GOOD, BE GOOD AT IT. Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, E.Giolo & R.J.Arthur — 312 pages, 18,5 x 24,5 cm — Editorial Design (BE)
ON & FOR, Auguste Orts — 160 pages, 16,5 x 24 cm — Editorial Design (BE)
LE BOTANIQUE MUSEUM, "Spectre" Exhibition 16.06—07.08.2022 — Graphic Identity (BE)
EVERYTHING PASSES EXCEPT THE PAST, Goethe-Institute Brussels — Graphic Identity (BE)
LA GRANDE SURFACE DE REPARATION, Gilles Pourtier — Poursuites éditions, 76 pages, 190 x 260 mm — Editorial design (FR)
BAREND CORNELIS KOEKKOEK HAUS — www.koekkoek-haus.de — Complete Graphic Identity (DE)
PIERRE-EMMANUEL VANDEPUTTE, designer — www.pierreemmanuelvandeputte.com — Complete Graphic Identity (BE)
A PROJECT FOR LATER, Pauline Miko — 36 pages, 27 x 36 cm — Editorial design (BE)
SAND, OIL AND GUTS — 64 pages, 30 x 42 cm — Editorial design (NL)
L'OEIL QUI ÉCOUTE, Marie Jambers — 8 posters, 42 x 59,4 cm — Editorial design (BE / CH)
ENSAV — Yearbook 2018, 112 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm — Editorial design (BE)
WRONG MOVES, DEAD ENDS — Publication co-produced by the KIKK Festival, Goethe-Institut Brussels, Namur Cultural Center, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, 156 pages, 21 x 29 cm — Editorial & type design (BE)
WRONG MOVES, DEAD ENDS — Speculative Design Residency with the Goethe-Institut Brussels, Namur Cultural Center and the KIKK Festival www.goethe.de — Object design (BE)
ANOUCK VAN PUYVELDE, designer — www.anouckvanpuyvelde.be — Complete Graphic Identity (BE)
ABSTRACT CARBONARA, Sean Crossley — 36 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm — Editorial design (BE)
HYMN TO THE MUNDANE — Art Direction / Graphic Identity (performances, invitations) (NL)
HYMN TO THE MUNDANE — 52 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm — Editorial design (NL)
SAUSSICE restaurant & caterer — Rue de Roumanie 54/56, 1060 Brussels — Graphic Identity (BE)
LE BAIN DES DAMES wine cellar, Brussels — Chaussée de Vleurgat 186, 1050 Brussels — www.lebaindesdames.be — Graphic Identity (BE)
CAN PEP REY — Complete Graphic Identity (DE)
LABOR JACKETS — Labor Jackets, onesize — Print and Fashion Design (NL)
LISA FOERSTER — Art Direction / Graphic Identity (DE)
NALEBINDING — Complete Graphic Identity (BE)
TRICLINIUM (in collaboration with Sandro Della Noce) — Laureate of the Design Parade Toulon 2019, Villa Noailles, www.villanoailles-hyeres.com — Scenography & Furniture Design (FR)
TRICLINIUM (in collaboration with Sandro Della Noce) — Laureate of the Design Parade Toulon 2019, Villa Noailles — project supported and hosted by MAD Brussels, from the 28th November until the 16th February 2020. www.mad.brussels.be video ©Showing_the_show— Scenography & Furniture Design (BE)
LOCAL DISCOVERY MENU — Participation in the group show 'VIEWS - a visual dialogue about the Canal Zone' at MAD Brussels, 05.09.19 - 29.09.19 — print on waterproof canvas, 350 x 288 cm — Installation (BE)
CHANEL, Visual Merchandising Prize (in collaboration with Sandro Della Noce) — Design Parade Toulon 2019, Villa Noailles — Scenography & Furniture Design (FR)
Bureau Wolewinski
T. +32 499 281 928
Bureau Wolewinski is an independent Graphic Design and Art Direction studio founded by Julia Caroline Wolewinski. She received her master’s degree from Erg (BE) in 2014 and graduated from the Werkplaats Typografie (NL) in 2016. With a strong focus on the production of visual identities, Wolewinski works on cultural projects combining editorial design and multidisciplinary projects. In 2019, she co-founded the WDN Studio, a scenography and design studio. Alongside her practice, Wolewinski teaches graphic design at Erg, Brussels and at Arts2, Mons (BE).
A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF CLARITY, Emmanuel Van Der Auwera — Mercatorfonds & Yale University Press, 228 pages, 20 x 30 cm — Editorial design (BE / US)
VILLA ARSON NICE (Finalist project not realised) — Complete Graphic Identity (FR)